RideLondon 2024: In Memory of Uncle Mark

I’ve completed the RideLondon cycle sportive each year it’s run since 2015. I’ve always raised money for the Charity Haematology Cancer Care.

However this year, it will be different.

Earlier this month my Uncle, Mark Titcombe, sadly lost his battle with Leukaemia. He was treated for 18 years in University College London Hospital and Haematology Cancer Care provided care to treat him.
This Sunday 26th May, I’m raising money for Haematology Cancer Care by cycling the 100 mile route in this year’s RideLondon, as I have done a few times before. This time it’s different, as Mark is no longer with us.

Money raised will be used to fund specialist Nurse training and patient welfare, so others can have a longer life whilst surviving Blood Cancers

My donation page is here: https://2024fordridelondon.enthuse.com/pf/michael-okarimia


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